A new home brings with it much more than brand new walls and floors. When building a new place to live, home owners can find themselves having to assess how much space they need for storage both now and into the future. What to keep and what to throw out? It isn't always as simple as two piles or out with the old in with the new. Add on top of that a growing family and all of a sudden that big home is starting to get a little bit crowded.
Making sure your new project home has enough storage for the many stages of your new life is the safest answer. An extra bedroom or guest room is a first step in the right direction, not to mention the many benefits of a two car garage. Other features such as extra storage built into busy family areas like the laundry and kitchen can be a god send over the years.
Beechwood Homes' Lakeview Grange Thirty One has a combined living area of over 270m2, with four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a generous spread of living, lounge and dining areas. The Lakeview Grange is a great home for big families that plan on getting bigger! To find out more about our Lakeview Range contact our team here.