Trying to build a timeless bathroom or kitchen has long been a desire of home owners, making sure that choices made today don’t look totally out of place in just a few years’ time.
Some of the choices made in the past have certainly taken from colour trends of the time. The paisley and florals of the 60’s or the brown, yellow and orange combination popular in the 70’s to name some very notable examples. Because trends are just that – a passing popularity – it’s best to choose neutral colours and materials because they always come back in style and can be easily updated or stylised with accent design elements.
Simplicity is often the key to avoiding passing style trends and to building kitchens and bathrooms that have a timeless appeal. Maintaining a degree of simplicity will ensure you don’t need to update it in two to three years’ time.
Sticking to relatively subdued colours will help your kitchen stand the tests of time, but this doesn't mean it needs to be boring, or that white is your only option. Whilst neutral colours can be a large part of the colour scheme they can be accentuated with statement colours in splashbacks, appliances or any elements that can be easily changed when you want to refresh and update. This will mean you can have a new look and feel without the huge cost of rebuilding the whole room.
Beechwood Homes build affordable family homes that deliver on quality and design. Our team of colour consultants are here to help you transform your house into your very own “home”.