Everyone deserves a safe and peaceful home. That’s why many people save up to build their own. If you have the budget for construction to begin, you must take things slow. The home building process is a long and arduous road that needs careful planning. You can’t dive in head first just because you have the cash. 

So, before you start building your new home, check out this article. You must understand these seven stages before you start building your home.

  1. Financing

The home building process requires lots of money. Fortunately, most banks often offer loans for constructing homes. But make sure to pay these loans back early, so you have less to worry about afterwards.

You’ll also spend for architects to design your home from scratch. Hence, working with home builders with a team of architects is ideal. A private architect requires a separate payment, usually costing around 5%–15% of the total cost of the construction project.

Time and energy are also resources you must consider. If you’re not prepared to wait and make an effort, you may be better off buying a home instead.

2. Site And Base

Once you’ve chosen where you want your house to stand, you must secure permits to begin construction there. The home building team will then survey the area and excavate it.

Next, they’ll pour the concrete foundation and put the steel rods, which ends the base stage of the home building process. Depending on the home builders, you may have to pay them a 15% progress fee after this step.

When the concrete dries, the builders will cover it with a waterproofing agent to protect the base from long-term water damage. A city inspector should visit to check the foundation’s quality and approve it before you move on to the next stage.

3. Framing

Framing is when you’ll see your home start coming to life. In this stage, the builders will erect the walls, doors and windows. Aside from that, they’ll install the flooring and roof. They’ll also put a house wrap to protect the structure from moisture, rot and mould afterwards. 

A building certifier must also inspect the home’s framing before you take the next step. They need to do this because a faulty frame could spell disaster for your home once the builders install the bricks and the plaster.

4. Plumbing, Wiring And HVAC

Home builders can proceed to the major interior instalments when they’ve secured and inspected everything from the previous stage. These include your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), electrical system and plumbing. An excellent HVAC system will make living in your future home comfortable all day.

Most builders participating in any home building process wait for the HVAC and the plumbing to be installed first before working on the wiring. Electrical wires are smaller and thinner than pipes. Thus, an electrician will have an easier time working around the other two systems when they’re already in place.

Your home needs to have these three systems working well so you can stay safe inside, no matter the weather. As you might have guessed, they also require thorough individual inspection before you can proceed to the next step. An inspector will check the cooling ducts, pipes and wiring to ensure nothing is out of place.

5. Insulation And Drywall

After the home’s “veins” are complete, the insulation and drywall will be next. The type of insulation depends on your area’s climate since some might be more suited than others. Home builders might utilise common ones like fibreglass, foam or cellulose, which they’ll add to your attic, basement and exterior walls. Some even install them in the foundation and the rooms above your garage.

Having insulation is one of the best ways to save on energy costs. It helps your home’s heating system work better and regulates indoor temperature. So, you must never skip this stage in the home building process. 

After insulating the structure, builders will install the drywall. This part is where your home is slowly starting to look like a real home. They’ll begin building the individual rooms, and you’ll see the little holes for outlets and light fixtures. The team may also add texture to the drywall and seal it with primer to make painting a breeze.

6. Interior And Exterior Fixtures

Now comes the part that most future homeowners are excited about. Here’s where the build team can start painting, making the fireplace and adding the doors. They can also move in the cabinets and other large pieces of furniture after you’ve secured the carpeting. The bathrooms should have toilets, bathtubs and sinks installed by this time. To finish up, builders will fit the light fixtures to illuminate the interior.

Once they finish the indoors, the outside is ready to receive attention. Expect the crew to fix drainages and add driveways and walkways. Your patio and lawn may also begin to show personality. Soon enough, your dream home will be ready for you and your family.

7. Final Inspection And Handover

Before you settle in, the site supervisor will give you a tour of your home. They’ll show you how stuff works and see if the house is up to your standards. So, don’t hesitate to air your opinions and observations during this step in the home building process. They’ll do what they can to correct them. 

After the inspections, you’ll pay the final fee for the project if you haven’t paid in full yet. Once that’s settled, the building code official will hand over the keys and the certificate of occupancy to you. Congratulations! You now have your new home.


A standard single story home (with minimal customisation) will take somewhere between 26 and 28 weeks to construct. A standard two-storey home (with minimal customisation) will take somewhere between 35 to 37 weeks

The home building process for a standard single story home (with minimal customisation) will take somewhere between 26 and 28 weeks to construct. A standard two-storey home (with minimal customisation) will take somewhere between 35 to 37 weeks. Events like inclement weather and certain schedules may hold back construction. So, it’s best to have patience and stay on your toes. It takes time, but the result will make it seem like the planning happened not too long ago.